★ The most interesting urban feature of Harappan civilization is its town-planning. Towns were built according to plan. Main streets ran North to South and East to West, intersecting at right angles. Houses were bult in square and rectangular blocks. Each street had a common well and each house had a well and baths. Utility was the main concern in the construction of Houses.

Drainage System : It was elaborate and well laid out. Every house had drains, which
opened in to the street drains which were covered with man hole briks or stone slabs. This shows that the people were well acquainted with the science of sanitation.

Great Bath : The most remarkble feature of the Harappan civilization was the. construction of Great Bath. It was sourrounded by carridars on all sides and is approached at either end by flights of steps in north and south. A thin layer of bitumen was applied to the bed of the bath to ensure that water did not steep in. Water was supplied by a larger well in an adjacent
room. There was a drain for the outlet of the water.

food habits : The people of Harappan civilization used rice, wheat, barly, beans, dates, vegetables, Milk, fish, Muttoon etc.

★ Dress and Ornaments : Cotton and wool were used by both Men and Women. Bangles,
Ear rings, nose anklets and neckles etc were main ornaments of that day.

★ At both Harappa and Mohenzodero on the west side, huge elevated platforms were raised and enclosed by citadel structures.

★ Indus Valley people were belonged to racial composition of proto - Austroloid, mediterranean Mongoloid and Alpine sects.

★ Indus people, pursued the twin occupations of agriculture and trade and commerce. At one side they produced cereals, sorghum and sesamum and the other side they had trade contacts with Mesopotamia.

Script : Their script was not yet deciphered. They had pictures in their script. Their script is called brahmi lipi on Sarpalekhanam or boultroprodon.

★ Indus people used to worship female gods like. Mother goddess, Male god pasupathi was also worshipped. Animals like bull snakes trees like pipal, neem were worshipped.

Decline : Even though it was not clear how the great culture was dis appeared. It was
belived that due to Aryan invasions or in natural calamities it was destroyed.